As for the bus transit, the current account deficit and the subway business of 1.6 billion yen became current account surpluses of 27.3 billion yen by the public management and the semi-publicly-held company settlement of accounts in fiscal year 2008 that Osakashi had announced on the ninth. In the deficit of Bath, the surplus of the subway is 6 years in a row when 26 years in a row.
The city suppresses to the capital contribution and 6% until ..5.3 billion yen.. bus transit from the subway business and is an aversion lingua as for the basis excess though the bus transit becomes 35%"Funding gap ratio" that normally shows the ratio of the funding gap forehead to earnings, and exceeds basis (20%) of the healthy making the municipality government finance law.
20.3 billion yen in total was carried over from the general account by the current account deficit which the community hospital business that the number of patients decreased because of the doctor deficiency etc. was near for 500 million yen, and the funding gap ratio was stopped in 8.8%.
On the other hand, the city Fushito wholesale market worsens because of large-scale maintenance the financing, and is a current account deficit of 1.3 billion yen. The funding gap forehead was exceeded, and 12.7 billion yen the funding gap ratio went up to 198.7%, and drastic exceeded the basis. After settling on the rehabilitation plan, and consulting the city council, the city fil it to Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications.
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